Eden Project
It’s a jungle out there…
Here are some of my favourite Error pages, most recent first. If you're wondering what a 404 page is, it is a "Page not Found" HTTP response. If you want to try and find some 404 pages, try typing "404" or a random word in at the end of a URL.
Send me some cool ones to be featured here, and if you are okay with it I will add credits! The cool bit about collecting them is I now have a really manual, incomplete version of the Way Back Machine
I have a bit of a backlog to add here in a folder on my desktop called "To Sort", I haven't forgotten them!
Hopefully we're not triggering too many errors and freaking out the site admins...
You can also kindly send me some Konami codes, I've started collecting them too and I think they're rarer!
It’s a jungle out there…
Zen and the Art of Site Maintenance
1 red balloon
Counting Sheep
Tory not found
Look after the pennies...
Home page not found
Another sad robot!
Schrödinger's cat
Helping find missing people, not just pages
The singularity could not be found
Please don't stop the music...